My creative space this week sees my little mushroom having some filled in spots. I decided to go ahead with french knots and am quite chuffed with the result. The texture is just right and looks nice against the long and short stitch I used on the main body of the mushroom.
My first tries at french knots can be seen at the very top in the first two spots. I kind of had it, but the knot kept getting a bit messy. I searched for a better tutorial on french knots, and found this one by Mary Corbet (must see site, btw). They key action, which was missing in the other videos I watched, was gently pulling the thread so the knot slides down to the base of the needle and then keeping the tension as you pull the needle through. I think you can see the difference in my french knots in the rest of the spots. Top two are a bit messy but the rest are pretty good.
I debated briefly on removing my first two groups of french knots, but then decided to leave them in because they show my progress and also, handmade isn’t meant to be absolutely perfect. At least, not in my view. To me it adds a bit of character. And also, I have no idea how to remove embroidery stitches! hehe
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Tres jolie!! I love your French knots and they are perfect against the red.
I have been making a very long nap today, from 11 till 3-30pm. It was excellent!!!
oooh, loving your mushroom!
It’s beautiful !
Alysha so in love with your little mushroom. The french knots are lovely. No, don’t take them out, I like them. I am with you, handmade is meant to be original, unique. It’s non-production line, that’s why it’s handmade, that’s what makes it so wonderful. Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful weekend.