Now I am back into updating my blog, I need to think about things to write about. It’s been three years since I updated so a lot has happened since then. Do people still keep blogs? Are Blog Circles still a thing? I need to do some reading and visiting the blogs I used to follow. I have a big project planned that I’m keeping hush hush about for now. More on that in about a weeks time (hint: it involves food). I’ve been out of practise on a few things, not only blogging. Knitting, spinning and crocheting have also taken a back seat and I intend to get back into those crafts as well as blogging.
We’ve been growing vegetables the last year and had some gorgeous tomatoes growing but we don’t know how they tasted thanks to the rats that got to them first! We did get some delicious eggplants and a few capsicums.
Chillies were the most succesful crop, I guess rat tastes don’t run to hot chillies! We grew habeneros and jalopenos. My love is now growing some ghost jolockia chillies which are supposed to be very very hot! I will report back on the heat level in the coming weeks. That’s if I dare to try one!
I’ve also been growing ornamental flowers including scabiosas, guaras and nasturtiums. My favourite flowers are roses and I have two beauties growing in pots as we don’t have a lot of room for garden beds. If I could I would have a beautiful rose garden with lots of different cultivars. For now, I have two unless I can sneak a couple more in the shopping trolley at Bunnings!
That’s a very lovely rose! All our plants are indoor ones, mostly cacti as we’re not good at remembering to take care of them.