My poor little garden has been neglected of late. With the coming of Spring I have wanted to get back into it and boy oh boy, do I have a battle with weeds on my hands! I have more of a jungle than a garden. Yesterday I went out early and cleared one patch of grass and weeds and happily set to planting some new lovelies; some purple ageratums, mixed cosmos and red salvia. It won’t be long before the agergatums bloom, they already have tiny little buds. Unfortunately, the battle between me and my arch-enemy, the dreaded oxalis, is back on! I have my battle armour to wear in the form of a lovely Laura Ashley gardening apron and bright green gloves!
The Snapdragons are flowering in a mix of beautiful colours, including the one below which was self-sown and quite a lovely treat to find! Last season we grew lots of tomatoes, eggplants, chillies, lettuce and potatoes. This year I want to mix in more flowers and herbs, I would love to grow some flax so I could prepare the fibre, dye and spin it and then knit something from the yarn. Going though the complete cycle of making something appeals to me immensely. Grow, harvest, prepare, spin and knit. It sounds a bit magical, to me!