I love taking photos with my iPhone, especially since the newest iPhone came out – the camera is amazing! Better than my little compact digital camera and smaller. Plus there are all the fun photo apps available. My favourite of these is Instagram, with which I took the photos below.

From the top left:
- 1. Some of the random items on my desk
- 2. Cute little Pippin!
- 3. Pippin and Merry, geeking out on my desk
- 4. Some of my retro cookbooks
- 5. Cat vs Human book – so funny!
- 6. Apple Pie Cookies, recipe from Smitten Kitchen. Delicious!
- 7. Churros, mmmm yum!
- 8. Merry, all sleepy and cute!
- 9. Action figure of the Eleventh Doctor.
And yes, I totally failed with Blogtoberfest. Two posts in October, oops! Here’s hoping that I manage more posts in November!