
Thanks for the Birthday wishes! It’s been a lovely few days with some lovely presents and time spent with my loved ones. I need to take some photos of my birthday pressies plus the sideboard I bought for myself. I have always wanted a retro (50s / 60s) sideboard and go over eBay regularly, searching for one I that can afford. I’ve seen them often go for over $180 so imagine my surprise when I saw one for $4.99! I won and although it was quite a kerfuffle fitting her into the car, Doris is now home. Yes, I named the sideboard. After Doris Day.

I’ve had delicious Fettucine Carbonara made by my Dad on my actual birthday, a super yummy quiche made by my Husbitect last night and tonight, Dad is cooking Roast Beef with a mustard crust and Horseradish sauce, with all the yummy roast veggie sides. Mum is baking her nommy rice pudding to be served with mango slices! I may not be able to move from the feasting, but it will be worth it.

I’ve spent the afternoon reading “Home Is Where the Wine Is” (which I am enjoying immensely) by the lovely Crazy Aunt Purl, and painted my nails with blue, glittery nail polish. Now is it is Wine O’ Clock. Perfic!

How about some John Barrowman? Isn’t his voice lovely?!

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