Recipe: Lysh's "Really Good Noodles"

What I cooked for dinner tonight. The vote all around was “delicious!” Yay! So I thought I would share the recipe. Now, keep in mind that I rarely measure things or follow recipes when I cook, so this is a rough estimation of how much of the ingredients I used; adjust to your own taste.

Lysh’s “Really Good Noodles”.
500g minced beef
1 large brown onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
4-6 garlic scapes, chopped finely
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 bunch fresh coriander, roughly chopped
1/4 cabbage, sliced finely
Cumin – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon, according to taste
Ground coriander seeds – a good shake
1 sachet chicken noodle soup, dissolved in 1 cup hot water
handful of basmati rice
rice noodles
olive oil
1/2 cup white wine

Add enough oil to coat frying pan. Once oil is hot, add rice, carrots, onion and garlic scapes. Stirring frequently, simmer until onions and carrots are soft. Add mince, cumin and ground coriander seeds. Once mince starts to brown, add chicken noodle soup mixture. Simmer for ten minutes. Keep an eye on moisture level, you may need to add a little more hot water (or stock) if the mixture dries out. Stir frequently. Add fresh coriander. Stir.
Add wine. Gently separate noodles with your fingers & add to the pan. Simmer for five minutes, stirring frequently. Spread sliced cabbage evenly over mixture in pan. Gradually stir in so the cabbage begins to soften but retains colour. Once the cabbage is soft to your liking, serve.
*Serves 4 adults.


Yay! I’m not a chef or recipe writer, so use the recipe as a guide only. Experiment – add your favorite seasonings. Try adding some zucchini or maybe some corn kernels. Keep stirring throughout – you want to make sure the mince and noodles don’t stick to the pan. Stirring allows you to keep an eye on whether you need to add more liquid.

Anyone get the movie reference hidden in this post? Virtual cookies to you, if you do! hehe

3 thoughts on “Recipe: Lysh's "Really Good Noodles"

  1. ooowwwwww, I can smell that from here. I am going to try this recipe and I will report back with results. This looks really yummy. Thanks so much for sharing. We will make it next week.

  2. Hi! Made this for tonight’s dinner. Hadn’t had a meal with cabbage for ages! We all loved it! Thanks for the great recipe! Wendy xx

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